Thursday, September 17, 2015


はじめまして 私は金賢佑です。

I was born and raised in 韓国. Throughout my childhood, I was highly exposed to Japanese cultures, most of the cartoons and animations that I watched were translated contents from 日本 and small MiDi player that I carried around was also a Japanese technology. Despite, all these exposure to the Japanese culture and although Japan is a neighboring country, I had never been to Japan until this past summer. I stayed in Tokyo for a week. Although very similar, 日本 was different from 韓国. Among my visit to 日本, a trip to 秋葉原 was one of the most interesting experience. マンガ、アニメ、and especially メイド喫茶 was a culture shock experience. After the trip, I got more interested in the Japanese culture and 日本語. I hope I'll be able to travel around 日本 by myself next summer with 日本語 learned from this class.  


  1. はじめまして! 卜ランです。どうぞよろしく!
    Your trip to Japan seems really interesting (at least from the look of that photo). Good luck on your study of Japanese!

    1. トランさん、ありがとうございます。がんばって!

  2. はじめまして!アレックスです。コロンビア大学の一年生です。
    It's really cool that you have such a concrete goal for your study of Japanese!!

    1. アレックスさん、ありがとうございます。がんばって!
